
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Urchin fun!

A while ago I stumbled across another great etsy shop called urchin bags! I instantly fell in love with their sweet recycled goods, especially the "peata pocket"made from re-purposed bike inner tubes. Oh! And best of all - the shop is from Duncan BC! Yay! Sort of local! And the prices are killer! Check out a little selection of items:

Super awesome! So you must be thinking, "kate - it isn't friday, why are you doing this post today?" (Or maybe you're thinking that?). Well - I noticed in urchin's shop announcement that they're heading on a Canada wide bike tour from june - sept so I had to jump on the opportunity and snag one of these little pockets before june arrives and they're unavailable! So now this post went from a "what a great shop I found" to a "look at the cool stuff kate got in the mail" one. Ahha! So yeah, even if it took me a while (and assistance from my sister) I decided on one and it arrived just 3 days after I bought it (yay Canada Post! for once...). Take a look:

So darling! I was really waffling the two pouches I featured in that image above, but leslie told me, "kate, if you're going to carry around a recycled bike tire it is going to be a statement piece so go bold." So coral it is. Plus I really like the blue and orange markings on the tire part. Now to casually work this into a summery outfit and I'll be set! What do you think?


  1. Groovy! As if anyone other than a person in BC would think to sell recycled bike tire accessories! We're the greatest - and so is my advice! That is one sexy lookin' bag!

  2. Hi Kate!

    I just stumbled upon your blog about urchin bags. Thanks so much for the feature and I am super excited that you are so stoked about your 'peata pocket'.I did make it across Canada on my bicycle and I am now back sewing with more bike inner tubes!

    Thanks again,

