
Monday, August 16, 2010

Not enough doilies...

Just in case you've been suffering from lack of doily in your life - maedchenmitherz has you covered! She's been doing a five day paper doily challenge full of doily related posts I couldn't help but fall for! I am especially fond of day three of the challenge which is full of doily inspiration! Take a look:

How about a doily party?

or doily twinkle lights? (my fav)

some doily mail perhaps?

How lovely! Katja has a slue of her own doily diy's as well (link, link, link, link):

Whew! Doily overload! Now I just need to get my hands on a few dozen doilies and I'm set! I hope you're looking forward to granny chic decor in our new place fraser...


  1. Poor Fraser! Kate you would have loved my Grandma Francis, she would come to look after us every summer when we were little (my Mom was one of the original working mom's) and guess what she did all the time. Right, she made doilies! I wonder if there are any at my dad's house? Or what the heck she did with them all! Mom

  2. I loved those posts so much, too! It made me want to make a bunch of stuff with doilies. :)

  3. I don't get the doily thing. I don't even like the word. It's weird that you think they're so amazing 'cause I just don't see it. I mean, they're kind of neat, I guess, but seriously??? They've got nothing on a pompom.
