
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Squiddy Mousepad

I've been trying to figure out fabric printing for a new craft project I'm working on, so when I came across the squid printed mouse pad tutorial courtesy of design sponge I was especially excited! Plus squids are super cool...

It looks pretty simple to figure out (just an xacto cut stencil and some fabric paint) so I'm sure I could modify it for my crafting purposes. I just need to find something that won't get ruined with many uses to make the stencil out of! Then design, stenciling, drying, ironing, sewing and hurrah! Successful crafting execution! Bring on the spare time!


  1. Riann told me you can use something called "craft paper" (it's an American term -- I think it's kind of like butcher paper - brown paper with waxy stuff on one side) to do stencils. You'd have to redo the stencil each time, buy you could probably photocopy your design onto it pretty easily. Plus the waxy stuff makes it stick to the fabric, and then it washes off. Neat!

  2. Ha! That's funny. I was JUST talking about how I need a mousepad at work. Something like that would be awesome.

  3. It took me an while to see the squid on the mouse mad. Mom

  4. This looks pretty cool! I think I'm going to try this project...when I have free time! ;) I'm excited to see what you have planned for this project, too!
