
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Road Trip: Vancouver

Just as I mentioned on saturday, my friend lindsay and I made an overnight super fun trip down to vancouver this past weekend! Minus the slightly rough start (I scratched my cornea the night before and had a late night hospital trip), the trip was a success! We got to fit in a little shopping, a wonderful visit to our friend quinn's new 16th floor pad, and (of course) the most fantastic mumford & sons concert:

My goodness they were phenomenal! You could certainly feel the excitement from the crowd who sang and clapped along to every single moment of mumford's amazingness. Looks like British nu-folk is about to takeover the music scene! Even the vancouver sun's article on the show agrees! I'm sure I could go on and on about how awesome they were but I'm sure you don't need that much repetition from fact, I ended up with 129 pictures from the show (I told you I wanted to bring my camera this time) and when I was going through them I originally had six pictures I was going to include. Perhaps a little overboard, but the vogue theatre was certainly the perfect venue. I really enjoyed their setup and the lighting changes were lovely. Check out the sweet stringed lights they had (just like their little lion man video):

So good! If you ever come across the chance to see this band do it! They don't disappoint! Now to go listen to mumford & sons on repeat for a few more hours and reminisce...*sigh*


  1. Jealous!! I would love to see them! Glad you had fun and that you are okay after your hospital adventure.
