
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Revisting Granny Squares

About two months ago I did a post on lydia's lovelies fantastic granny square slippers. Naturally the granny style and promise of warm feets drew me in and I was inspired to make my very own pair. Well...being the over zealous crafter I am, I never actually got around to it! I'm sure you can imagine my delight when the most wonderful purl bee posted a tutorial on the very same slippers! Check them out:

Woo! And since I'm already quite the accomplished crocheter I'm sure these would be a snap! OoO! Available in men's sizes too? I'm sure jim is just dying for a pair of these (I say because he never reads my blog and would totally hate them)! Haha. Now to find some spare time between making mustaches and some neat yarn to use! Fun fun!


  1. They should be easy to make, but not enough support for my tired old feet. Mom

  2. Those things are butt ugly. I tried to think of something nice to say, but I just can't like them. Jim might, though.

  3. It's all about the colour choices leslie! With the right combo they would be lovely!
