
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fabulous Finds - Day Two!

Yay! It's day two of my fabulous finds craft show and even though I'm away from the computer - doesn't mean I can't share some more crafty goodness with all of you! Today I thought I'd show you what I ended up whipping up for packaging. I am a strong believer that good presentation of a product can make or break a sale so I really tried to make some simple aesthetically pleasing cards to showcase my goods! What did I use to execute such a challenging task you wonder? Why some recycled brown cardstock (a staple for all my packaging needs) and some paper punches of course!:

I showed that doily punch to you a few days ago and boy was I excited to use it! Check out how wonderful it makes my vintage cabochon flower stud earrings look:

Wonderful! I think it adds a little bit of detail and interest to the earrings (which aren't really that overly exciting). The brown paper is a great neutral background to all the springy flower colours but is still a bit of contrast against my white table cloth! Perfect! I experimented with a few different card designs for the earrings and ended up with the asymmetrically folded design. That way they stand up nicely on their own and I could throw a little description and url on the back:

At this point (I'm writing this on thursday) I'm not totally sure how I will set these up on my table but I have a few hours after we arrive to figure it out. In my experience, trying to plan things out to every last detail isn't the best option for me since 1) it generally causes me to panic and 2) I usually end up changing my mind when I get to setting things up in person. I am loving how the flower stud cards are looking though and I do have an awful lot of them:

I also used the doily punch to make a few cards to put some cabochon rings on. Rings are a particularly difficult item to display and put price tags on so I just made a little tube of paper with the design punched out of the top. I only have a handful of rings for sale since I didn't really intend on selling them but had a few supplies left over after making some rings for myself a few years ago. I figure since I'm not wearing them I might as well bring them to the show! Take a gander:

Onto the felt flower hair accessory packaging! For these I decided to go with the super simple rounded corner punch. The doily design seemed like too much detail that sort of stole the attention away from the felt flowers I wanted to pop. I really wanted to put the hair pieces on cards to make them look a little more substantial and (conveniently) add my shop url for potential consignment deals with any leftovers after the show. Check out the final packaging:

Hooray! I'm so pleased with them! I really enjoy trying to figure out neat ways to package items! It's totally yet another reason why I love making and selling crafts!

And if you're coming to the craft show today don't forget to get your freebie! I made little "thanks for reading my blog" presents for the first ten customers to ask for them. Take a peek:

I have a feeling that ten was a little optimistic for the giveaway (since I can only actually think of two people who read my blog and are attending the show) but I am ever hopeful! I appreciate all my readers and if I run out of the free items I've brought back up supplies to meet the demand! Hope to see you there! And if you can't attend (or even if you are) I'd love to know what you think of my packaging! Yay!


  1. i really, really love your packaging. i've only done one craft show and don't necessarily have plans for another, but i still love thinking about ways to package my stuff. you know, just in case :)

  2. Love your packaging!!! Great idea!

  3. It looks superb! Have you considered a career in graphic design/packaging? I don't know where you could be employed doing stuff like that, but you'd be the best.

    Hope you've had more than Lindsay and Mom visit you so far! I'd be there if I could... You should do a show in May!

  4. The packaging looks amazing! Keeping it understated helps it look really professional (IMHO). I hope the show goes well!

  5. I love that doily punch! And I wish I could come and say hi, but I am in Australia :( boo

  6. The packaging looks fantastic! Do you have a stamp with your url on it or do you print them off? Just wondering because it is often hard to get print to go through cardboard. I use card as displays for my earrings as craft fairs too but I would love to use that idea and get my url on the back of them.

  7. Your packaging and goodies are all so lovely!! :)

  8. This is gorgeous! Love it all :)

  9. Kate! Your blog is amazing and I want to buy one of your rose rings!! Ah, they are perfect! xoxo

  10. This is AMAZING!! Such a fabulous idea, slightly envious of your creativity ;)

  11. That all looks absolutely great! I didn't know where to start on packaging (have just started making my own jewellery) but this has given me some ideas I can put my own spin on! Thanks! Jen x
