
Friday, March 25, 2011

Fabulous Finds - Day One!

Happy friday! While you are busy celebrating the end of the week and start of the weekend I am busy packing up the car and driving to kelowna for day one of the spring fabulous finds craft show! We're open 4 - 9 pm tonight at the wonderful summerhill winery so if you're in the area I highly suggest taking a gander at all the amazing vendors (while sipping on some delicious orangic wines)! Instead of doing a big list of all the products I've whipped up for the show I've decided to summarize my handcrafted goods with a montage:

Woo! What a ton of work! Wish me luck! I'll be back on sunday to potentially reveal how it went (assuming I'm not overly exhausted saturday night)! Yay!

And don't forget - the first ten people to come find me and say you're a blog reader get a scientific culture freebie! Hooray!


  1. Product sales bingo is calling for a black out!
    Good luck!

  2. Hurray, I'll see you on saturday! Good luck! Mom

  3. A photo list! You're really branching out in your list making :)

    Have fun and don't spend too much money on other awesome crafts! Hehe :)

  4. im a blog reader! haha, would go but too far away for me (Minnesota). :P :D
