
Monday, April 25, 2011

Do you ever...

Do you ever think you have a most genius idea and then halfway through think you're kind of crazy for following through with it? Perhaps even worse - following through, then taking a picture, and blogging about it? This is one of those instances:

Fraser and I get take out sushi a few times a month and there are always a million little soy packets hanging around. I thought I'd be super thrifty and fill up our empty soy bottle with the packages when I realized that I just may be the cheapest person out there. Heck I'm all for bargains but the amount of time it took me to drain all those packets was a little ridiculous. It did fulfill my goals though - getting rid of those soy packages that were cluttering up the kitchen shelves/table/fridge door while also filling our soy stock! Double win! Fraser does tell me I'll be handy if we ever have another depression...but I figure my frugality is an endearing quality right? Anyone else out there as crazy as I am?


  1. I'd do that, also I'd consider blogging about it a double win, Making use of all the little soy packets and getting a blog post out of it totally counts as multi-tasking

  2. See- I sort of like the little packets because then I can pack them in my lunches and things, on the go. But if I were only using them at home I would totally be even cheaper haha!

  3. Last night my cousin made a belt out of 15 feet worth of rope (He didn't want to buy one, or new pants for that matter).
    Frugal is all i know, but I think the question is: How many tries did it take to get a picture with the soy streaming? THAT many? Yup, you're a bit crazy.

  4. as long as u didn't take the packets from the restaurant with the intention to refill ur soy sauce bottle.... it's all good :D

  5. I think I would do something like that but not with soy sauce. I can't remember the last thing I sat around doing something like that but I know I would do it. Mom

  6. Three cheers for being frugal about some stuff (like food) and totally non-frugal about others (like clutches! and scarves!). Hehehee

  7. This cracks me up... HILARIOUS! I would have never thought to, or had the patience to do this. ha.

  8. I kepp the fish-shaped soy sauce packets from when I get sushi - and I don't actually use soy sauce! It's for visitors ... and the fact that I like the little fishes ^_^ I also have a desk drawer full of bottle tops. Which I am going to make mini pincushions out of. One day. Soon ... ~_^

  9. i keep a little basket in my fridge for all the misc. packets ...waste not want not :)
