
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

cats of the world

I am most definitely a cat person. If fraser wasn't allergic to them I'm sure I'd be all over having a house full of fluffy kitties (ok, actually probably not since we're still renting and cat ownership is awful when looking for places to live). Instead I'll just spend my days adoring cats from afar and falling in love with this adorable cats of the world illustration from gemma correll:

Yup - pretty adorable! I especially like the kitties with bows (and hats!). So how about you? Are you a dog or cat person?


  1. Oh no! A life without kitties is no life at all! I have 3 (don't tell the City of Kamloops, the bylaw says you can only have 2!). I love my furry pals. I have no interest in having a dog...ever!

  2. I like them both, and want one of each. Well, as long as the cat is more like Basil and nothing like Percy.

  3. What's wrong with Percy? You just have to over like his nasty attitude. He is very beautiful but mean. Mom

  4. I'm not a cat person at ALL, but this is really cute! Maybe I could get it for the bf, who IS a cat person, and he wouldn't want a cat? Welll, maybe not, but its worth a shot :)

  5. total cat person ;) not much for dogs.

    you have to check out this great article about the stigma of being a cat lover, hilarious.

  6. Second, endeavor to discover as much as you can about the feline or little cat before you embrace it. Some altruistic social orders cultivate their creatures in homes, with the goal that they can reveal to you what the cat or feline's identity resembles. Make inquiries... Do you have children? Ensure the feline is great with little kids. Do you as of now have a feline or a canine? Ensure this feline will do well in that circumstance. Each feline has his or her own particular identity - simply like individuals do. The more you think about a planned feline's identity, the more probable it will be to fit into your home and family. gifts ofor cat people
