
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Invasion of the soot sprites!

With my craft show schedule behind me I'm loving spending my spare time working on personal crafty projects for a change! The other day I shared a tutorial with you about making your very own studio ghibli soot sprites and even though I didn't really follow the paper crane's directions, I did make some super fun pom pom sprites:

Pretty cute hey? Fraser picked me up some ultra soft black yarn and using my lovely clover pom pom makers I whipped up a bunch of sprites! Then I just cut out some white circles from felt, added a little french knot, and sewed them onto each pom. Simple as can be! Check out my soot sprite invasion:

Ahaha! I love them! Next I found some thin floss thread, strung them up, and taped them to the corner of the room. Just take a peek at the view of my living room/front door:

What's that in the corner there? Some cuteness! Let's look closer:

Hehe! I may have just provided further evidence that I am indeed a very odd person. Fraser told me that as long as he doesn't catch me trying to feed soot to the little happy pom poms that I'll stay clear of the crazy list but I'm not totally convinced of that. I also put a few soot sprite pom poms up in the corner of my crafting nook to keep me company when I'm working on projects or blogging:

Adorable! Now to go watch more spirited away and my neighbor totoro to see what other fun craft projects I can come up with! What do you think of them? Have I crossed the line to crazy-ville or am I still safe in the "endearingly quirky but sane" area?


  1. You are sane. I love your pom-pom "pets". Mom

  2. They're cute!

    If you had a cat, he or she would love them too.

  3. what a great idea! I love soot spirits!!

  4. That is probably on the top five list of awesomest things I've ever seen you do. That's pretty damn cool.

  5. Super cute, and definately still sane!! (I have to agree with Fraser though, you will have definately crossed the line if you start feeding them!!).

  6. love them!!!!!!
    They are fun, not crazy ;)

  7. I love them! And Studio Ghibli... <3

  8. your blog makes my little heart flutter.
    the pictures are super dreamy!
    happy blogging lovely one x x x

  9. These are cute! I started making some soot sprites after I made Chibi Totoro. I still have to add the eyes one of these day so I can hang them. :)

  10. we made some soot sprites last week! my kids love playing with them! very cute idea & easy to make

  11. i was wondering what pom pom maker you used to get them so mush tighter than other pom poms.

  12. I love these and would love to make some for a Studio Ghibli themed party we are having. You mention a tutorial on how to make them, but I can't find a link to it. Can you repost that or tell me where to find it?
