
Monday, June 20, 2011

i love mason jars

I've been in love with mason jar crafts for quite some time now. Whether it be filling them with mustaches for a craft show display, covering them in doilies and using them as a plant pot, or painting them for flower vases mason jars are the perfect blank canvas for a whole variety of crafty adventures! Lately, I've been swooning over mason jar lanterns from pinterest - just check out these babies made with a little wire and a few candles:

Aren't they gorgeous? I think they would be perfect for a nice summer garden party or wedding! Not that I have a yard...or time...or a marriage to plan for...but hey, they are cool right? Or if you're in for a little more technological mason jar craft how about adding lights to them:

OoOo! Aren't they awesome? I'd love to make a clustered light fixture like the project on the right there (and you can even tint the jars using a little food colouring and glue!). What fun! For now I think I'll just stick to dreaming about making these or maybe I'll start collecting jars until I can rationalize a project where I can use them! Hooray! How about you? Are you a mason jar fan? Have you seen my pinterest jar wall?


  1. They're great! I love the wedding picture at the top, though I think it would be delightful for an evening dinner as well. For some reason I'm attracted to them more when they're outside than I am to the inside light fixture. You'd have to make your whole decor rather rustic to have it fit, I think.

  2. I love mason jars. I once had a terrarium in one when I was about your age Kate. The outside ones might be good at the lake. Oh, do we have anything special to celebrate this summer? Maybe late in August?

  3. Those lanterns are super cool- awesome finds! I think mason jars are pretty awesome too but I don't always take advantage of some of the great ideas!

  4. Oooh those all look great - I love the idea of lighting up a garden in the evening with Mason jars and tinting them with food dye. We've got some jars in storage somewhere...may have to get them out!

  5. I love mason jars as lanterns. I have been seeing that all over the place recently and I like it more and more every time I see it.

  6. I love these photos. I recently used a mason jar to create my own terrarium.
