
Monday, August 8, 2011

A very yarn-y hello to you!

Why hello Monday! A new week has begun (well...unless you count Sunday as the first day of the week...but that seems odd to me...) and I finally have something new to share with you! After a wonderful early bday celebration of a yoga workshop, yummy lunch, and amazing pressies with Lindsay yesterday, I had a productive evening of drawing, photoshopping, and Beatles singing! As I mentioned a few days back, I've been working on new yarn themed illustrated goods for my crafty friend Caroline's new wool shop she's opening up this September and I am just loving how they are turning out. Take a peek at my first finished design:

Hello little red yarn ball! Nice to see you! I've got three new button sets in the works and two new "specifically for pocket mirrors" designs that I've painstakingly hand drawn, scanned, and am in the process of colouring and touching up on the computer. If I find some extra time one of these days, I'd love to share with you my creative process for making buttons from start to finish, but with a busy month of appointments, packing, turning 27 (ack), and moving (double ack) that may need to wait until the fall. In the meantime I'd love to know what you think about my yarn ball salutation drawing! The background colour may change once the other button designs are completed, but I am enjoying the pink and red yarn combo. What do you think?

Oh and let's not forget to announce this week's winner of my "thanks for being awesome and reading and commenting on my blog" mini giveaway! Congrats to long time reader Amanda of Ulixis Crafts who will receive one of my pins in the mail as soon as she sends me her address! Woo hoo! Only a few more weeks of celebratory pins left to give out so keep being amazing and reading and maybe you will be rewarded too! Hooray!


  1. This is SUPER fun, love the anthropomorphic yarn, and would love to see your button process sometime once you're less busy:)

    I like the colours of the yarn too--very cute!


  2. yay! thank you so much! :D

    cute little yarn ball - i especially love the "arms"!

    i just noticed that i picked a very similar blogger theme as you when i updated my blog last week... great minds obviously think alike. and rounded corners are clearly the way to go. :P now i just have to make my sidebar as pretty as yours... :)

  3. Hi!
    Love the cute yarn ball ( i love yarn balls in general, but this one makes me smile(:)
    Love your shop too, you have a very unique items.

    Hope you have a nice week full of inspiration and cake!

    Carmila Ponycat

  4. Holy! that was a fast design turn around. Margaret must have stretched your finger muscles too!

  5. LOVE IT! Can't wait to have your stuff in our store!

  6. I love your yarn! I like the color but as an added amount of fun you should have a variety of colors like yellow and green and blue in addition to red/pink.

  7. Cute... but needs more kittens :)

  8. So cute! I want a pretty red ball of talking yarn too! ^_^

  9. Oh my goodness! This is too cute! You did such an awesome job! :)
