
Thursday, December 1, 2011


Hello lovely blog friends! Can you believe it is December already? Boy time flies (I'm sure I say this every month...but the older you get the faster time seems to speed on by)! You know what that means? Winter is on its way! Brrr! It even looks like Jack Frost has come to Victoria:

Do you see that frosty chill out there? How about the view from my patio (yes, that's a pumpkin I never actually carved and still sitting on my table...):

Do you see the ICE!?!? OoOO! Close up:

Ack! Winter it is! it has actually been sunny and 10 degrees the last few days, but it's December now so let's expect a little coldness! It's also the holly jolly month of festiveness and I've got one packed month of fun things planned! What's on my list you may ask:

1) Checking out my very first Got Craft show in Vancouver this weekend

2) Finally getting in to see my new rheumatologist (you may think that is unexciting but I am over the moon about it!)

3) Fraser/Katie baking fun! Yipee!

4) Attempting to avoid the crowds and finish off my xmas shopping (ick)

5) Heading home for xmas break! (including visiting friends and family and having a wonderful time!!!!)


6) Convincing Jim to come back with Fraser and I and finishing off the year with a bang! Hooray!

How exciting! How about you? What are you looking forward to this month? Has the winter weather come your way?


  1. I'm looking to you coming home...Come home!

  2. Remind me to take a picture of our 70 cm of snow sometime and send it to you. Then we can talk about brrr!

  3. Oh, man - Got Craft is the best show *ever*!! Have fun!! :)
