
Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday Find: Robin and Mould

Today's find is yet another shop supporting my thought that "everything is better in the UK!" Okay, so we have loads of awesome etsy shops over here in North America, but that UK touch is infectiously fantastic. Heck, even their name is sweet:

Now oogle some of their rad silk screened goodies:

Eeee! I just love the cute prints, jewel tones, and patterns! Bring on the geometric fox tails, ornamented antlers, feathered owl coziness, and flowery puppies! What's not to love? I spotted this shop after searching through the Got Craft? London edition and am even more excited to attend Vancouver's market this weekend! Perhaps we won't have anything quite like Robin and Mould, but I'm sure it will come close! What is your fav?


  1. oh the fox! cute cute cute!

  2. I love them ALL!! Have fun in Vancouver this weekend and say hi to Auntie Leslie if you see her!
