
Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Momentous Day!

Yesterday a most wondrous thing happened. I have been yearning for this day to arrive for over a year now, and am thrilled that it has finally come - I used up all of my dreadful Olympics stamps:

When I bought the roll of stamps early last year, I thought it was such a deal! No more having to perpetually buy little packages of stamps here and there and I'd even get them at a bulk discount rate! Woo hoo! No. Unfortunately the steal of a deal of stamps I bought were actually quite ugly. Boring simplified mountains and inukshuks staring at me over and over again reminding me of my unfortunate decision to buy the roll and how uninterested I am in the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. I thought for sure the 100 stamps would get used up in no time - after all I do run an online business and dabble in lots of pen pal letters right? Wrong. It took me a solid year and a half to use up those babies and as soon as I stuck the last one on a card (to Lindsay in fact - thanks Linds!) I rejoiced! Oh what a momentous day! Good riddance annoying stamps! Never again!


Ah! Costco's bulk pricing suckered me in again and I just can't resist getting the sale price on the perpetual stamps (hence the little "P" in the corner instead of a cent value - so they still work years after the price of mailing a letter changes)! Postal prices increase each year in January and when I saw the roll of bunnies glaring at me I just had to. Here's to hoping I don't get sick of these fluffy wonders as quickly as the last roll...


  1. Wow. I have old stamps to but I don't use as many as you do. OH! I should be doing my christmas cards! Talk to you later. Mom

  2. Bunnies! So much better than the Olympics. I wonder if we hadn't had the 2010 Olympics if the government would have to stick to a 0% pay raise (for all us little people - they get like 50% pay increases) policy? GRRRR.
