
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Corduroy Ewoks

One unfortunate side effect of going on vacation is all the fun blog posts I miss out on! Sure it is great to unplug and get away for a while, but when I get back home there are so many unread posts in my bloglovin' account that I inevitably skim and hit the "mark all as read" (a.k.a. kate's sanity) button! Shucks! Luckily I did manage to read a few posts that happened during the first week of May and this tutorial from Molly at Wild Olive was one of them! Who could pass up DIY corduroy ewok plushies! Take a peek!
Ack! So much nerdy cuteness! I totally need to get a hold of some fabric scraps for and make a pile of these babies to hide out in my planters on the patio! Wouldn't they be just perfect? once I water them and it rains they might be a little on the moldy side...but minor details. Cute Star Wars crafts totally make a little microbe growth worth it right? I thought so. What do you think?


  1. We totally need these on the patio! Awesome!

  2. Real Ewoks would most certainly have a bit of mold growing on them. I say, go for it!

  3. I saw this and I still want to make it!!!!

  4. Yay! It's so cute!! I wonder if you sprayed them with waterproofing if it would stop mold growth?

    I think a few of these stringed up would make a super cute mobile ^_^ Or ... EWOK BUNTING! Yes!! ^_^

  5. I have a friend who would die for one of these things. I kinda wanna see Admiral Ackbar plushies, though... "It's a TRAP!"

  6. OH MAN! Cute... You should all check out the Star Wars Craft Book by Bonnie Burton! Full of cute stuff like this!
