
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Needle Felted Kermie!

I was happy to see ( that so many of you out there are muppet fans just like me! Nothing like a little Kermit the Frog to perk up a Thursday - so how about your very own needle felted Kermie like the one Rad Megan made on her blog:

Hi ho he's cute! She's even got some instructions on there so once I master needle felting (on my crafty to do list) I'll be sure to try him out! What do you think? For some reason I really want to put him in a plant pot or a terrarium but maybe I'm still swooning over the idea of plush ewoks in my garden from yesterday...


  1. it isn't easy being green... or made of felt... :)

  2. Oooo, he's so cute! Needle felting is on my to-do list too ^_^
