
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Altoid Mouse House

I've always loved seeing what people make out of Altoid tins, and these cute mouse beds from mmmcrafts are just adorable:

I totally would have loved these when I was a kid and in fact are sort of similar to the purple kitty (with matching bed basket and blanket) my mom made for me. The detail on these toys is so charming and I love the little teddy bear! Looks like I need to find a little girl to make one of these for or, you know, just wait until my niece Jean is old enough to not eat this. The pattern is available for sale here. What do you think of the wee mouse tin? What was your favourite kind of toy as a kid?


  1. Awww that mouse tin is so simple, but sooo sweet! I was such a girly girl, and loved Barbie dolls and She-Ra when I was little. Jen x

  2. I was a lego kid. These are super cute though!

  3. These are so cute! They would be perfect for kids going on a road trip or flying since they're small and compact.

  4. For the record, Jean doesn't eat things like this anymore. And her birthday is only a few months away!

  5. Oh my gosh, they are super cute! I can't wait until my niece gets a bit older so I can make one for her ^_^

    I liked playing with Barbies, trucks, and my mum's hot glue gun when I was little ~_^ Some things don't change!
