
Monday, June 11, 2012

a home for my wooden mushrooms

If any of you out there are instagram followers of mine (I'm @scientific_culture) you may remember this picture I posted a while ago:

I bought these wooden squares back in February and (much like most house projects I have in the works) it took ages for me to get them up! After enjoying their nice shapes and shadows they cast in the hallway by the kitchen I decided to jazz them up with a little DIY project. Add in some wrapping paper pieces I bought at Easter - and voila - hallway transformed:

Yay! I can't believe it took me so long to get the paper up since I'm fairly certain it took me all of 10 minutes to finish.  Isn't it funny how silly procrastination feels once you finish a project? The little wooden boxes are also the new home for my homemade mushrooms I blogged about a few weeks back (link)! Hooray!

Aren't they fun? I also put an alligator wind up toy on there for good measure:

I actually have quite the expansive collection of wind up toys that are currently residing in my top desk drawer so I'm sure this gator feels extra special for making it on display. There's no natural light in the hallway (it's on the inside building) so please excuse the less than ideal pictures, but I assure you, they look awesome in person. I really love the mix of textures, colours, and pattern they bring to the space and I find them extra interesting since they have some depth to them too:

Yup, I don't think those wooden mushrooms will ever make their way into terrariums - they are just too happy on their shelves! What do you think of my display? Do you ever dabble in home decor?


  1. Whenever I dabble in home decor, it's usually at someone else's direction. ;)

  2. Fraser. She can be bossy and loves mushrooms maybe she takes after her Mom.

  3. If bossy results in genius like this, I say its OK!!! (Fraser, you can even take credit for it when Kate isn't around.)

  4. That looks great! Where were the papers from (they're fab)? As we're renting I can't put a great deal up on the walls (our landlord has a 'no decoration policy' boo) but I would be unstoppable if I could! Jen x

    1. Jen - I got the paper at a little local stationary shop here called The Papery. They have loads of different papers there for 3 or 4 dollars a slice.

  5. The papers you used are great! I dabble in home decor, but I find that I'm so terrible at taking photos of it, the interior of my house never gets shown >_< I'd like to see more of your wind-up toys! I have one which is a swimming man; one can put him in the bathtub and he kicks his legs and windmills his arms. He's pretty cute! ^_^
