
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Cozy Sunday

All the way back in 2003 I started a granny square blanket. I worked on that thing on and off for years and after a while completely lost momentum. I think I lay out the grey and blue squares and realized that 1) they were not a consistent size,  2) I didn't make enough squares for a proper size blanket, and 3) it would be a giant pain in the butt to sew together. Alas. I changed my foul mood on making granny square blankets when I saw this adorable cross patterned one:


Isn't it awesome? I love the idea of using the squares like pixels to make a bigger shape! Even though the original post showing off this lovely handmade creation is in some sort of European language I can't read, you get the gist of the blanket from the images and that frilly border is cute too! I really like the interesting choice of colours and totally want to make one just like it! I figure maybe if I sewed the squares together as I went it would be less overwhelming near the end of the project. Hmm. What do you think? Have you ever made a blanket from yarn? Any tips?


  1. I've never made a blanket from yarn. I have squares from a quilt that my grandma made. they are all uneven and consequently, I have no idea what to do with it.

  2. That's a great blanket! And fyi, if you use Chrome it will translate it for you :P it's in Finnish, apparently:)

    I used to make more baby blankets from yarn, but not a whole crochet one on my own--though I made one once with about 10 other people for a charity auction, which was a ton of fun!

  3. so funny, i have this exact blanket on my "to do" list for the fall/winter. i've made both knitted and crochet blankets before but i always make them for other people, but this one will be for me! it looks really simple to make. and i agree sew it as you go. thats always the worst part is sewing them together and tying in the ends - so if you do it in chunks instead of leave it til the end, it won't seem as overwhelming. we should have a "sew along" this fall! this could be the project and we could ask our readers if they want to join in and we all post our updates weekly! it would keep us all motivated to actually finish them if we see progress of others. what do you say?!

    1. Yeah! That sounds awesome! I love group motivation and since my summer is already packed full o projects the fall would be perfect! Great idea Trisha!

  4. I love the idea of sewing or knitting a blanket but it seems so overwhelming that I never start, so I can really see how getting so far along but still not being finished would be very demotivating! As Trisha says, maybe group motivation is the key! Jen x

  5. Oooh...that one's lovely!! :) I like the colors! I am still working on this monster queen-size granny blanket I started more than a year ago:

    I have been sewing each squares threads in for an unbearably looong time. lol. That's the worst part! I find that joining them together is actually pretty quick...I've made a few blankies from squares in the past, and there's a technique where you just single crochet a seam along the back of the's really quick. If you use one color for each square, you'll have way less strings to tuck in than the 6 colors I used for each. lol. Ugh!

  6. I am just learning how to crochet and I just love the design you came up with!!!!

  7. I love how tetrisy it looks around the edges. I think I'd tetris it up if I made it for myself! I've made a few blankets. Baby-sized ones are the best size to start with, so if you know anyone who's having a baby you should make one for them!

  8. This is lovely! I adore the colour combination too ^_^

    I've started four crochet blankets and so far have finished ... none >_< But hopefully I will turn that around soon as I am almost finished my book cover blanket! (fingers crossed!)

  9. One of my instagram friends is making this blanket! She is joining the squares as she goes - this is a great tut for joining as you go! Makes life much easier!

    I think I'm going to make this one for my nephew :)
