
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Perler Weekend

I love getting packages in the mail! Nothing like a good parcel full of craft supplies to perk up the week and I'm particularly excited about my most recent one! Yay! Perler beads!

Thank you for having such fun, playful, inexpensive craft supplies I can buy while laying in bed in my jammies! Although I haven't done any serious perler beading yet (if there is such a thing) I did play around a bit and made a fun little flowery thing:

Yipee! I'd love to say I'll be playing with these all weekend but in reality I have a terrible lingering cold (actually one of the worst I've had in ages) and am more likely going to be sleeping away the germs (or at least trying to). What are you up to this weekend?


  1. Get well soon! We are getting ready to go out shopping. Your Dad takes forever!!! Do you want to know why we had to put Percy? It was gruesome, he pulled all of the hair on his front legs. He licked hie legs down to the bone! I sure miss him but could not watch him suffer. No plans for a new cat as it is harder to go visit my daughters and finding a cat sitter! love you!

  2. Wow, I just wore to school a rainbow made of perler beads and a friend and i remembered that we use to Have so much fun platying with them when we were kids(: i cant wait to see what to made with them!
    I hope you get better soon.

    Have a lovely day, Kate (:

  3. Yay perler beads! I can't wait to see your awesome creations ^_^

    Get well soon!!

  4. This weekend has been so busy I've done not crafting at all! I have a load of perler beads and I LOVE creating stuff with them, especially 8bit or 16bit video game sprites! I made some coasters for my other half with pacman characters on them which went down very well, and have also done some mario characters, and arcade game sprites. Such a great, quick and easy way to indulge my crafty AND geeky sides all at once!! Hope you have fun with them when you're feeling better! Jen x

  5. UGH! I've had the cold too, and it sucks. It's compounded by a dusty bedroom, but I've been too busy to clean. Tomorrow, maybe. And maybe I'll look for this exact same set on that website so I can make some too. Wouldn't a perler bead art card be great for an exchange?!?!
