
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Etsy About Page

About a week ago I mentioned on the blog how pleased I was with the changes on Etsy. I've been using Etsy to sell my crafts for almost four years now, and it's great to see positive improvements to help my online business! One of my favourite new additions is the revamped "about page" I showed you back on the 12th (link). At that point I had only put up a picture of my craft booth set up for shows (certainly a new view for most of my online buyers) and was trying to come up with some more ideas on giving any potential buyers an in depth look! Since I'm not ready to reveal my crafting reality (one massively messy living room with stacks of crafting supply towers over my spot on the couch), I thought I'd show some of my packaging since it seems to be a common inquiry for buyers:

Yay! It's always nice to throw some packaging options out there since loads of people buy my geekery as presents and is extra handy if you're looking to buy wholesale for retail shops! I love seeing the montage of smiling bacilli and recycled brown card together and it reminds me just how much I love coming up with packages!

The next image I thought I'd throw up is a selection of goodies I love selling at shows but aren't offered online. Unfortunately Canada Post's prices on items thicker than 2cms is so high that it makes many of my reasonably priced handmade goods ridiculous costly with shipping! Ouch! Such a shame! It is nice to show people that I do have other craft talents and lets people know if they are willing to front the extra postage what sweet deals they can get! Heck - it's great for consignment too! Take a peek:

Alright - so some of those items may fit into the "thinner than 2cms when packaged" guidelines but with the craft show reason looming I need to keep my table stocked! Perhaps in the fall I'll be able to post some of those items in the shop, but for now they're only available by request.

I figure my next step is organizing my crafting process and showing a few "behind the scenes" creating images, but for now I'm pretty pleased with the collages. What do you think? What sort of pictures do you think should be included in an Etsy profile?


  1. Firstly I'm wondering how the crocheted bow headband didn't make it into the pics and also I think pics of you using your cool button machine and the like would be great additions

  2. This is a great post. I'm considering opening an Etsy shop of my own and I'm having a hard time deciding on packaging! Your work is always so put-together!

  3. hi kate - i love how its coming altogether with the new features. would you want to do my feature profile on my behind the scenes? My next opening is August 26th- email me if you are interested =)

  4. I like Sarra's idea of action shots! maybe they could be a bit blurred to show your lighting speed.

  5. Everything looks so cohesive and neat, but also cute! I've been thinking of setting up an Etsy shop for a while now, but I can't seem to muster the confidence to get going!
