
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Mason Cacti!

As you may already know, I am a big fan of the mason jar.  Simple, useful, and inexpensive - you can do tons with those babies and the projects just keep popping up! You may recall a blog post I did a while back about turning mason jars into an herb wall (link) and although I never got around to it (nor do I have ample light for such things), someone else in Victoria did! Take a looksie:

Haha! Ok, so it's pretty obvious that those are very much not herbs, and instead are some hearty ol' cacti! What a splendid idea! I have been having very limited luck with my herbs so far (after 9 attempts I've got 2 sort of surviving ones left) but I somehow manage to not totally kill all my cacti so maybe this is the way to go! For now I will just enjoy how great these hanging jars look in this store front and dream about a day with ample natural light. *Sigh*


  1. I find your idea pretty awesome!!
    ..just discovered your blog!
    I like your works a lot!!

  2. Too bad you can't eat cacti, like you can eat herbs...

  3. You can too eat some cacti! I don't know if they're very palatable though. You can even buy pickled prickly pears at the wholesale store in Smithers!

    I love these little jars. They're awesome.

  4. They look great! I also love the neon pig ^_^
