
Monday, June 25, 2012

I don't get out much these days...

I don't seem to do a single embroidery project without forgetting my long time pals the love robots. Looks like Clamps, Al, and Wheelie are back to spread the binary and bitmaps all over the place:

I really enjoyed doing this group on a slightly darker background for a change and think the coral-red fabric really lets their little hearts pop!

Aww. So Al's over-enthused hands sort of look like he's trying to cop a feel (oh dear, did I just type that?), but I still love them! They're such a rad little trio of geekiness and I love seeing how they transform each time I make them. Clamps seems to be defying the laws of physics a bit with those spindly little legs, but boy are they ever darling:

Yaaaayyy! (Kermit style) Robot love for all!!!


  1. I missed Love Robots! Good to see them out and about again!

  2. Al Kind of looks like he is ready to dance!

  3. They look great! I love Clamps' skinny little legs too ^_^

  4. oh my gosh, these would be so cute in a little boys room.

  5. I often pop in for a look, but had to comment today. Love robots, these are adorable!

  6. These are so lovely, absolutely irresistible! Jen x
