
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Guacamole Aspirations

So my "week of embroidery hoops" sort of spilled over a bit, but I was just so crafty last weekend! Here's the final hoop in the series - another former brooch inspiration - avocado!

I really love making fruit and veg themed art and totally love the thought of them hanging in someone's kitchen! Wouldn't you like this little puffy happy dude smiling over you while you're cooking?

I think he'd be great with some veggie friends but what pairs with avocado? Garlic and red pepper perhaps?'s one last glance so you can see the scale of this one:

Well I hope you enjoyed my week(ish) of hoops around here and am extra appreciative of all your supportive comments! So now that they've all been revealed, which is your official fave?


  1. The fox is still my favorite, but this guy is pretty great as well!

  2. I really love this dude, as I do in most of the things you've used him in. However, I think that the round frame doesn't really do him justice. I think he needs a little leaf or something in there to keep him company.

  3. So cute! ^_^ I don't like to eat avocados, but I'd hang this little fella in my kitchen anyways! I'd love to see a garlic hoop - garlic is so very often the start of my meals ^_^ (yum!)

  4. This one is so cute! I LOVE the tiny smile! :-)

  5. This little guy is really cute, but my favourite is still the one featuring the toadstools. They looked good enough to eat (not a good idea!) Jen x
