
Saturday, August 25, 2012

28 years ago today...

Happy Saturday! Today's post is all about celebrating since it was 28 years ago that one charming little red headed kid was brought into the world:

Hooray! In case you didn't recognize me - that child trying on her grandpa's hat was me and although I am much less cute than I was in 1986, I am still just as happy!:

Yay! I've got the perfect Saturday planned including a restful morning (with tea) on the patio, some delicious gluten free eats, downtown shopping and socializing with my surprise visitor Lindsay, and a nice dinner with pals to top it all off (hopefully with ice cream in there)! Woo! Here's to hoping 28 is the best age to be yet! 


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Sounds like you are going to have a great day!!!

  2. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day! :)

  3. Happy Birthday!!! Make sure all your readers come on over to my blog tomorrow to check out your awesomeness!!!

  4. Yay! It was a memorable day for me too! Though I still think your little pink jammies clashed with your hair, and that Celery Slice would have been a delightful name.

    Hope you have a whole ice cream cake!

  5. Happy Happy Birthday! Yay for birthdays!!!

  6. Yay! Happy Birthday to you! ^_^
