
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Stamping Pals

Last Tuesday I had the pleasure of spending the day with my pal Hetty who moved to Victoria about a week ago.  I had forgotten how great it is to have such a good friend so close by and we had an awesome time reconnecting over slave (er, I mean..."volunteered") labor!  I have been running low on paper bags to give out at the market and since Heather is a fresh digital arts and design graduate I thought she would be the perfect partner to assist with packaging! We found a warehouse shop stocked full with packaging options and squeeled our way through the isles brainstorming which bags would work best! As it turns out, Hetty and I seem to be physically linked when it comes to packaging taste and I picked up 200 adorable (and surprisingly thrifty) craft bags! We then spent the afternoon personalizing them with my custom bacillus stamp and url! Hooray!

Heather was such a great sport doing all the stamping for me and although I was worried I was boring her with tedious brainless labor, she plugged along with the work happy as ever and we had such a glorious afternoon! Who knew packaging could be so much fun! It also left me with a whole bunch of adorable recyclable bags to pass out at the market this week! Check one out:

Yipee! I love the handmade detail the baggies add and will be perfect for loads of my small "don't get lost in my purse" items I sell!  Today I'm back at the market vending before the summer season is over and I'll be sure to let you know how these new bags go over! What do you think of them?


  1. They look great! I've been to so many craft fairs where sellers didn't offer bags, so having them to give out is a standout piece of customer service! ^_^

    P.S. I love the kitties on your table, are they placemats? Inquiring minds want to know! ~_^

    1. Why yes Lisa - those are kitten placemats! Fraser bought them for me last Xmas. They're totally for little kids but I love them!

  2. those are adorable! where did you get your stamp made?

  3. I got my stamps made at a local stamp and engraving shop! You can find them online at
