
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Buy Handmade

A while back Trisha from Veranellies asked me if I was interested in being interviewed as part of her "buy handmade studio tour" blog series! I (obviously) jumped all over that opportunity and last Sunday it went live on her blog! It was so nice to see how it all came together and the collage of my crafts is a lovely colourful delight! Check it out:

Ah! Trisha managed to pick out some of my most favourite handmade goodies I make to mash up into one lovely piece! But then again...when I think about it, I love all the items I craft so it isn't hard to pick out nine that I like... If you feel like checking out the interview (and sneaking some peeks of my craft space) take a trip over to Veranellies and drop Trisha a line! (link!) Hooray!


  1. Awesome! Congratulations! All of these pictures look amazing together. :-)

  2. everyone loved your interview! i was having weird difficulties with my comments - but i did get quite a few emails with comments from people loving you!
