
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Thrifty Refashion Time

Last year I was determined to refashion a men's dress shirt into a skirt.  I scavenged thrift shops looking for XXL bargains that would become the most wondrous of summer skirts but once getting home realized that all the shirts I found would never properly cover all my hips/thighs/bum to my liking and the project went on the back burner. Alas. Luckily I came across another shirt refashioning project online - and this time I don't have to worry about how skimpy it may turn out! Check out the adorable bow tie shirt upcycle project from Extra Petite (link):


Isn't it adorable? Collared shirts are all the rave right now and that matching bowtie/ascot is the perfect touch of feminine meets structure! Eep! I've even managed to finish up five (that's right - FIVE) little sewing alteration projects I've been putting off all summer so my machine (and my mental state) are ready to tackle something new! Woo hoo! What do you think? Are you ready to join me in the perfect fall refashion project?


  1. Wow, that looks amazing! I keep meaning to buy big shirts to refashion too.


  2. I really love this idea, it looks So pretty and not so hard to make! <3

    I hope you have a lovely week(:


  3. I love this idea! Time to go op-shopping (again!) ^_^

    P.S. I really liked the "buy home-made" post but it seems to have disappeared now? I really enjoyed your interview anyways! ^_^

    1. Thanks Lisa! The interview post will be up this morning. Apparently I failed at "scheduling" that one and accidentally posted it after writing it. Oops!

  4. I've seen this and have been itching to try it. We will all be excitedly waiting to see how yours turns out!

  5. I love this idea! I am going to add this to my ever growing list of crafty-good-intentions.

    xo Teresa
