
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mittens gets a makeover

If you are one of my instragram followers (I'm @scientificculture) you may have already seen some peeks of my washi made-over keyboard - but just in case you aren't I thought I'd share them here too! I've been working on my washi tape collection this year and even though I seem to find loads of tutorials using them, I thought it would be fun to snazzy up my laptop Mittens' keys with some nice florals and patterns! Check it out:

I originally just had the blue tape on the space bar, but when I received a fresh shipment of pretty florals from Pretty Tape (link) I just had to increase the decorating! I figured the side buttons were a great place to start since they frame the keyboard to well and won't mess up my typing. Here is the right side:

and a peek at the left:

I am particularly fond of the caps lock button (and larger roses that sort of mimic caps lock don't you think?) and am just thrilled with how it turned out! I also really like the little pointing hand for the esc and eject buttons too! Oh my! Now to decide if I should keep going to stick with it where it is...any thoughts?


  1. Holy crap that is WONDERFUL!!! Gotta go find my pretty tape...

  2. So jealous!! I can't find washi tape anywhere in ole east Texas.. so cute!!

  3. Mittens looks so pretty! I like how you can still see the names of the keys through the washi tape - very practical! ^_^ If Mittens was mine, I'd probably go for a full on washi frame and just leave the letters as is ... but you'd need a lot of tape for that! ~_^

  4. Don't put to much tape on Mittens or he will overheat as the tape will insulate the aluminum frame which is so awesome at dissipating that heat. Wouldn't want the little guy to get a fever :)

  5. Dr. Hallet has a point. And, you might forget where the letters are. unless you only type at night and the alphabet glows through.
