
Monday, September 24, 2012

Neon Dipped Succulent Pots

It's no surprise that I have a thing for house plants. Nothing like a little indoor greenery to spice (and home-y) up the joint and these adorable paint dipped succulent pots from hello bee (link) certainly appeal! Take a peek:

Ack! So cute! I love the idea of giving them as little gifts with the little homemade flags (could you image how sweet they'd be out of washi tape!?) but I must admit when I saw this one I was thinking of making them purely for myself. In fact - I think I need to take a trip to the garden supply store and do a little upgrade on many of my boring green plastic plant pots! Haha! I could even make some little washi flag name tags for Bob and Hamish! I figure the extra attention may even do my plants some good before we head into the rainy season here and my dear Fraser (the loyal plant water-er) leaves for his practicum. Looks like it's going to be a long winter for my plants so I hope they're ready for some neglect. Now to decide what colours to paint the pots with! Oh my! What do you think?


  1. So cool! Would be neat all in the same color on a windowsill.

  2. These are amasing! but I think I would get distracted by the NEON PINK pink and paint my whole house! half an ikea chair would be wonderful!
