Amidst all the stir and excitement of my trip to Victoria and
rifflandia, I received an email reminding just how sweet the last music festival I went to was!
Roots and Blues was such an awesome experience (minus the complete exhaustion/onset of swollen lupus pain for the last month) that I'm sure I'll remember it fondly for many years to come! Sure it was rainy and muddy and we all dressed for the predicted hot August weather, but there were so many fantastic bands to soak up! (Including my fav's Elliott Brood and Chad Vangaalen - hence their addition to my september playlist - and my unruly urge to learn to play the banjo).
One cool booth/attraction they had at the event was the
Six String Nation guitar entirely made from pieces of Canadian history and culture! It's a pretty amazing project and interesting to learn about all the items they used to construct it. So cool in fact, that thanks to Doug Nicholson/Six String Nation I got my picture taken with the guitar!
And even though this music festival was substantially different than the one I'm attending this weekend, I'm still totally stoked. Oh, and I really need to cut down the crafting time so I can work on my banjo playing...
Is that Trudeau's canoe paddle I spy? Nice.