
Monday, January 11, 2010

Adventures in Flickr

Way back when I started my etsy shop (in the ancient times of october 2008), I was super keen on making the best shop I could! And although not much has changed in that respect, I did have the opportunity to have my shop critiqued by some etsy admins in one of their virtual labs. They were full of lovely tips and tidbits to help get my shop and sales rolling like posting often, brightening photos, using loads of tags, and inviting buyers into my life and crafty process through things like twitter, blogging, and flickr. So I did just that - I worked on my listed items and (eventually) set up accounts on sites outside of etsy to work on my engagement marketing! I set up a flickr account around the same time I started joining some etsy teams and then later on gave birth to this blog and created a twitter profile and facebook fan page. And then I pretty much forgot entirely about my flickr account except once in a blue moon when I'd post a new product I'd

Well, I'm determined to remove my flickr account from that rock I covered it with and to kick off its wonderful rebirth I'm blogging about it! Hooray! My flickr account! And my most favourite thing about flickr? Flickr groups! Huge collaborations of people with similar interests sharing their pictures together. How lovely! Groups I'm in love with being a part of include craft:, mad scientists of etsy, and cuteable. I'm not so secretly hoping that one day I'll get featured on since I'm part of their group, but since that is outrageously improbable, I've been extra pleased with my yeti cards feature on cuteable a few weeks back! And since checking out my pictures I have on there I just noticed that my dear thumbs up yeti button set got featured there like two months ago! Wow! Flickr is great!

And if I haven't already convinced you of flickr's wonderfulness yet, there is one group I just found out about that is awesome beyond belief! I found out about this one amidst my daily read of the indiefixx blog (which, if you hadn't heard, spurred my entire desire to start with etsy like three years ago). It's called indie cats and is for crafty people who like cats, like indiefixx, and enjoy taking/sharing pictures of their cats! Haha! Perfect for me and evil kitty Percy! Oh Flickr. You're so great...and even greater now that you are a new source of cute kitten pictures. (I'm so predictable). So to end my ramble you can get stared down by Percy with this picture I took this morning...enjoy:


  1. Once again notice my ultimate "be nice to my readers" blog-i-ness by 1) writing a lot (and posting a picture) for crazynewt and 2) talking about the cat for mom! Success!

  2. Oh, I noticed. And el Gato Diablo seems almost normal in this picture.

  3. I still see a little evil in his eyes ;)

  4. He's out to get me! I just know I'm going to get a parcel at the post office one of these days and the evil cat will jump out of it, clawing in the direction of my eyes!!!

    He does have a cute nose freckle though. I can't believe mom hasn't commented on her kitty yet.

  5. What can I say, everyone knows I love Percy and he is getting better as he ages. He sit on my lap more often than he did before. He is warm and likes to be pet (on his own terms), what more could you ask for? Mom
