
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mini Break Crafting! Day 11 of 11

Day 11 of 11 has finally arrived and we'll finish off the week with another geometric triangle felt brooch! I loved the first one I came up with during brooch week and am just loving all the geometry and shapes in the crafting world right now. I went for a green scheme this time with some rainbow hints thrown in there for good measure. Check it out:

Hooray! I gem was super time consuming and was particularly stressful since I frantically whipped it up about an hour before we left for our cruise! Let's take another boo:

It certainly had a bit of a different feel than my firsts creation but it is nice to make some non cutesy pins once in a while. What do you think of it? What was your favourite craft from the last 11 days? Have you been enjoying the 100% original content marathon? Hope so! I'm arriving home tonight and can't wait to read about what everyone has been up to for the last while! Hooray!


  1. Fun story: I was in downtown Victoria yesterday morning when I *saw* your cruise ship come in. "Hey Kate!" I said, but I don't think you heard me, because I was on the other side of the harbour.

    I briefly considering going down to Ogden Point, but then I was like "um, no, that'd be really, REALLY weird." So I didn't.

    Then, I was downtown around 11 pm, too. And I heard (but didn't see) your cruise ship leaving. "Bye Kate!" I said. But I don't think you heard me, because I was in Vic West.

    True story.

  2. I think I liked the dogs the best but there are lots of close seconds as well. Mom

  3. I love the avocado. I also like that I rearranged all of your crafts so that the dogs are eating a soot sprite!
