
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mini Break Crafting! Day 12 of 11?

What's this? In all my frantic crafting preparation for you to see while I'm on vacation I somehow managed to miscalculate and make 12 crafts instead of 11...oh well! Bonus Kate vacation craft for you! Behold - French kitty brooch:

Ho ho! Isn't he a handsome devil? I really love my mustache cat buttons and thought it would be fun to make another kitty since the sophisticat one I made for brooch week sold really quickly! Take a closer look at him:

When I was at my last craft show a woman bought one of the French cat mirrors of mine because she claimed to would "help land her a man!" Not sure if I can put that on the description for this guy, but I'm sure you'd get some gorgeous hunks of male with this brooch! Happy bonus day of craftyness! Hopefully I'll be rested and ready to give you some trip highlights soon!

Oh - and I'm not totally sure what happened with day 9 of the crafts but it somehow went from "published" to "scheduled" in my posts so in case you missed it look back at the wee cactus too! Happy crafting!