
Monday, December 12, 2011

Let the festiveness continue!

Well xmas is in full swing around here so I thought I'd take a moment and show off our little three foot tree! It looks very similar to how it did last year (link and link) , with the already placed white lights (can you believe there are 135 on there?), bargain red bells and blue and silver mini balls, handmade yeti tree topper, and sporadic purchased ornaments we've accumulated over the years. I am so thrilled with how the little guy looks all lite up on his doily in the apartment:

I even put a few spare xmas balls on Bob the ficus to continue with the festive decorating (you can see him in the background in that last image)! I am also really loving our new decorations we've got this year too! You may not be able to spot them very clearly, so here's another shot for you:

The kitties were a gift from Fraser's mom (Fraser got the black kitty and I got a brown one) and I bought a few glittery acorns as an early present for Fraser this year. I am really loving how much the tree puts me in the magical xmas spirit and am also enjoying my new xmas house fragrance oils I picked up from Escents. I'm not sure about you, but there is something extra special about the smells associated with this season and I love the house smelling cheery (and not like the deep fried felafel balls and tzatziki I made for our xmas party last night...). How is your tree trimming coming along? Have you got your decorating started?


  1. No! We have to get a tree first. (We are waiting for you to arrive!) I still have a few projects to finish ( and some to start!) Hey! What am I doing on the computer?

  2. No tree yet, though I do love the fat kitty. I also love that the acorns were an early "present" for "Fraser." Way to justify a purchase for yourself, there, Katie :) 'Cause it's not like you're obsessed with squirrels and acorns or anything... Hehehe! I wonder what I should buy for "Neal" this year. Any suggestions?
