Woo! Once I get some more felt cases whipped up I will be ready for fabulous finds on november 5th and 6th! Oo! And I'm working on some new packaging for these dudes for their arrival to the kamloops art gallery's expanded xmas shop this winter! What fun! I love feeling prepared! Too bad I'm not overstocked in all my illustrated wares...but hey, you have to start somewhere! And for the first time I thought I'd show you all a detailed shot of all the pocket mirrors I have available:
What do you think? I'm loving my new additions to the mirror crew - tea bag and jackelope! Thanks for the suggestion leslie! I'm really hoping that they will be a big hit at the craft show (just like they were at my summer shows) but who knows what the kelowna craft buying customer base will be like! And if you're not lucky enough to be able to attend any of my local shows, not to worry - I'm totally up for selling these babies on etsy too - I just won't be able to create item listings for them for a while. So if you see a mirror you'd like to get your hands on just send me a message and I will gladly create a custom listing for you (just one of the joys of reading my blog). Hooray! Which is your favourite?
I like the rain cloud the most, but I think the woodland creatures will be the best sellers.