
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dishes or Laundry?

When Fraser and his parents went to Victoria looking for a place for us to live I had one request - please find us somewhere with a bathtub. The second item on my "dream home" list was in-suite laundry. Unfortunately that one didn't make the cut when they found the amazing condo we are now in, but there are machines downstairs, and (very excitingly) we have a dishwasher! OoOo! After adding up all the hours I've spent hand washing dishes and how often I decide not to cook based on the fact that I would have to clean up afterwards, perhaps a dishwasher will be life changing. I'm sure I will still spend a bit of time at the sink, and just in case, I'd love to make this potholder rug to make it that much more pleasant:

I love the mash of fun colours and how simple yet effective this project is! Craftzine - you've done it again! Looks like I'll have to add potholders to my "to thrift shop for" list and hopefully be making one of these soon! In the meantime I will keep swooning over the joys of a dishwasher! What's your verdict? What is more important to you - a dishwasher or your own washer and dryer?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

what i wore: elliott brood

So in case you hadn't already noticed - I am ridiculously bad at blogging about outfit posts right after I wear them. I'm new to the realm of fashion blogging and although I have a whole closet (that is still not fully unpacked) of budget finds and fabulous accessories I struggle with actually remembering to take pictures of myself and usually have to bribe someone into trying to catch a shot of my with my eyes open. Perhaps that will be a bit easier with my new tripod my parents got me for my bday (thanks Mom and Dad!), but we'll see if I will get any faster at showing you my outfits. I often wonder how daily (or at least bi weekly) bloggers manage to keep up with all their images and I do wonder if they preschedule posts and just lie about when they wore them...any insight? As for me, I'm not someone who is very good at smudging the truth so I fully admit that this outfit is from the beginning of August. Let's go:

Ever since I first saw Elliott Brood perform at the Roots and Blues Festival three summers ago I've been anxiously awaiting an opportunity to see them again! Not only do they play a wicked banjo, they have this raspy upbeat sound that has been described as both "death country" and "black grass." Sound interesting? I think so. I fully recommend listening to all of their amazing songs (for free! On CBC Radio 3!) and getting addicted to them too! I was certainly stoked when I heard they were coming to Kamloops in August so I wrestled up some friends (conveniently Jim, Lindsay, and Wendy were free and all attended that same roots and blues festival where they played)! Yay! Also the perfect opportunity for me to wear my new lacy shirt:

So that isn't the most flattering picture I've ever seen, but I did have fun playing around the old trains by the park. I also thought this was a noteworthy outfit since:

1) When I saw this shirt in the store, Jim told me it was hideous and that I shouldn't bother trying it on

2) After trying it on, loving it, and then buying it (for full price - which rarely ever happens for me), Fraser told me that, "that isn't a Kate shirt!" Aren't I allowed to branch out a bit?

3) Both Jim and Fraser told me I couldn't wear red shoes and a purple bag together in the same outfit. Too bad boy-os. I like to break the rules.

I also really enjoy the selection of random bangles I mixed up to go with the outfit. I love stacking bracelets. I need to wear them more often.

Even though this is (again) not the most fabulous picture, I was so in love with the dusk lighting that I had to show you how crazy my hair colour looked that night:

I'm not sure why, but I always imagine myself as a brunette and when I see images or reflections of myself I am often shocked at how light and red my natural hair colour is. No complaints though! I do enjoy my atypical thick tresses!

Outfit details: lace black tank = smart set, grey jersey skirt = plum (sale rack many years ago), flower studs = made by me, purple clutch = h&m, stacking bracelets = collected over the last nine years, red flats = aldo

Even though the opening band left much to be desired, Elliott Brood was just as lovely as they were a few years ago and surely enough I was hand clapping and dancing along with the crowd! I am so excited for their new album to come out next month and if you ever get a chance to see them - take it, it is well worth it.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Mint Chandelier

So summer may be almost over, but when I saw this project over on Martha's site I just had to share it! Who wouldn't want a mint chandelier?

Yum! The perfect way to have some fresh herbs for your mojitos (or non alcoholic summery beverage) without the awful pain of mint plants taking over your yard! It could also be a great way to get a little greenery on say...a balcony of your new apartment!? Perfect! Looks like I've got another project to add to my list! What do you think? What would you want to plant in there?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Everything is better on babies.

Did you know that I am planning to get into screen printing? Even though I haven't experimented with fabric printing since high school, I've decided to step up my crafty game and dive into yet another new craft hobby! My printing materials are very much still boxed up from the move (oh! good news! we made it to Victoria and have what seems like a million hours of unpacking and work to do!) but I am looking forward to having a new way to create! I am especially in love with these cute lined paper designed shirts from Ucreate:

Hooray! Just in time for back to school! Although I'm sure that baby is a bit young for school just yet, that onesie is particularly adorable. Looks like we'll need to make this for baby Jean! What do you think?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

what i wore: goodbye kamloops

Today is the big day! Fraser and I were up at the crack of dawn packing up the moving van for our departure to Victoria! I can't believe how much time flies and I'm also still in shock at how much stuff we have when you see it all in boxes! Whew! Even though I'm sure my outfit is not very cute or flattering today, I am a bit behind with my blog content so I thought I'd share another outfit post from my going away party I had last week! Let's take a peek:

Outfit details: dress = homemade by me and my mom, grey cardigan/shrug = smart set (many years ago), teal necklace = spank on 4th, red clutch = plum (on sale!), brown flats = aldo

Boy do I ever like that colour combination! I also really enjoyed having a going away celebration where I wasn't actually required to cook or clean up anything! Hooray! And what a glorious day it was! I love sunset lighting:

I also brought a little surprise along for all 22 of my dinner guests:

Yay! Instead of heartfelt goodbye notes for everyone I went for the substantially less sappy route and looked to the bright side of moving - new pen pals to write to! I whipped up a bunch of pins for my (hopefully excited to write and receive letters friends) with my new address attached:

What fun! I figured it left things on a much cheerier (and more anthropomorphic and adorable) note and everyone could pick out their own pin to suit their tastes! I even had a few badges left over from my summer long "thanks for being a reader" giveaway so it wasn't an enormous amount of "I should be packing" time put into it! Which reminds me - our final winner of my giveaway was Carmila from Ponycats! Your pin is in the mail! And thank you once again to everyone who spending their previous time checking out my blog. I appreciate all the support and love and according to google analytics there is about 100 of you that read every day! Hooray! As for me...I've got more moving to get to! Hope you enjoyed the outfit! Wish me luck on the coast!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Find: Butterfly Love

Today's find is a shop that has some items that are seriously close to my heart. Behold - adorable knitted test tube:

Oh if only I could knit! Etsy's Butterfly love has an assortment of awesome amigurumi knitted plush and patterns that you are sure to love. All you need is a little time, patience, yarn, and some little black eyes and you could be making loads of new friends! Check out a few of my favourites:

Oh my I'm swooning! I may need to get my knitting skills in check just so I can make that pill family...unless someone who is already a pro knitter wants to make them for me (hint hint sister)! Hehe. Alas, butterfly love is totally a fun shop to check out, and even if you aren't won over by woolly handmade pals it is worth a look! Happy Friday!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Guess what? I turn 27 today. Even though my birthday will actually be spent in packing hell, I figured I would share one of my favourite things with you in celebration of my gradual metamorphosis into an old lady. So behold - kittens!!!

Ahahaha! That little piggy kitten cracks me up. Let's hope packing goes well so I can have a bit of a birthday break...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pinteresting Meal.

After spending a few months struggling to fix myself balanced meals without gluten (and mammal meat), I went to see a dietitian. After climbing up five flights of stairs in the (clearly not kept up) shabby alumni building at the hospital I anxiously awaited my appointment which (I was hoping) would change my nutritional life for the better! Hooray! The meeting wasn't exactly as magical as I was wishing for, but they did teach me a few important things for my health including:

1) I need to eat more grains. Cutting out gluten apparently led to me cutting out a ton of grains and replacing it with more fruit and veggies (which is okay, but not ideal).

2) I need to increase the beans! Beans are a great source for fibre and protein for non red meat eaters like me and they offer tons of vitamins that gluten free eaters may be missing out on.

3) I should increase my iron. I think this is a standard recommendation for most semi-veggie females, but it was nice to have a list of iron rich foods to load up on

4) Omega 3's are the key to joint happiness! Bring on the flax seed oil and fish for some well lubricated lupusy joints! Yay!

5) My ideal weight is 130 lbs. I'm not sure when the last time I weighed 130, but I bet I was 14. I was totally shocked with how low my weight should be and am not actually sure how I will manage to shrink down to that size (especially with all the food I'm supposed to be eating and my inability to do medium and high impact exercise for my old lady joints). Perhaps I just need to cut one of my legs off....

Armed with information I headed home to try to reorganize my eating routine and make some wonderful balanced meals under my new guidelines. The verdict? That is a whole lot harder than I would have expected, and especially so when you're insanely busy with work, crafting, appointments, and moving! Once again Lindsay came to the rescue with a most amazing (and balanced) meal suggestion via Pinterst. Behold - quinoa salad with black beans, avacado, and cumin-lime dressing:

Doesn't it look amazing? I even have a whole package of quinoa in my cupboard and some cherry tomatoes that need to get used up! Perfect! I picked up the missing ingredients on a nice long walk downtown with Jim and spent the evening preparing this ultra simple meal. The recipe was easy enough (cook up the quinoa, add other washed and chopped ingredients) which always makes meal preparation nicer and although I did modify the salad a bit (by adding 4x the garlic, 2x the cumin, a splash of caraway seeds, orange instead of red pepper, substantially less onion, and extra tomatoes) it turned out perfectly! Take a peek:

Nummers! It doesn't look quite as colourful and appealing as the image Lindsay pinned, but boy am I ever loving the black beans! Anyone have any tips out there for good recipes and ways to help me reach my nutrition goals? How about a magical weight loss tip to help me shave off 40 pounds? No? Well maybe I will just recommend trying out this salad then - it is amazing!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Washi Magnets!

Being an avid internet fiend, I see loads of fun crafts online that keep me posted on the hottest trends in the handmade world! Whether it be woodland creatures, mustaches, chevron prints, doilies, or mason jars I quickly fall in love and swoon over the crafty possibilities! One hot item in craft supplies these days is Japanese washi tape. The decorative masking tape is available on loads of fun designs and colours and I managed to pick up a few rolls (on sale even) a while back in Vancouver. So far the only project I've completed with the washi tape was a tea themed art card for my swap partner:

Since I'm totally in love with craft projects where I don't have to leave the house to get the supplies - these washi tape magnets from How About Orange are right up my alley:

Not only are they adorable, useful, and give me an excuse to use more washi tape, but this project is super easy leading to instant crafty gratification! Hooray! Unfortunately I will have to delay my magnet making for a little while as my craft supplies are packed away for our move this weekend, but once I'm in Victoria and settled I'll be sure to show you my amazing new magnets for our amazing new fridge! Yay! How about you? What projects have you done with decorative washi tape?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Artisan's Market - vol V

This past Saturday was my last run at the Artisan's Square Market and boy was it fun! I woke up to another gorgeous summer day and I once again got to set up on the warm side of the square. Even though it got up to 45 C by the afternoon, I was a little chilly (as usual) all morning so I sported a cardigan and scarf. I also opted for putting my hair up (finally it is long enough) and wearing some of my felt feather earrings. Ever week customers comment on how I should be wearing (insert random crafted item from my table) so I aim to please! Just check out how bright and cheery my display looked too:

Since Fraser was busy with much geekier things, Lindsay was kind enough to help me for the day and she is a natural at craft displays! Just look how rainbow-tastic she made my cabochon rings and earrings pop:

How lovely! Another big perk to the day was the amazingly delicious key lime pie my work mate Kathy made for me (you can see my felt earrings while you're at it):

Yum! Friday was my last day of work before the move/transfer to Victoria and after chatting with everyone about how much I love citrus pies and Kathy boasting about her amazing key lime recipe, I was left drooling! Kathy decided to go home and whip up a special going away desert for me and Lindsay was wonderful enough to pick a slice up on her way to the market in the morning. Doesn't it look amazing?

The verdict? Kathy does in fact make the most amazingly fantastic key lime pie I have ever had! We also splurged on a little farmer's market bannock to complete our (not at all) perfectly balanced breakfast! Nummers!

Oh! And we even got serenaded by some surprisingly lovely harp and cello music to make the morning just that much more wonderful!

To make the market even better (if I haven't convinced you of that already) I got visited by my friends Kylie, Cindy, and Heather (as well as the continual support and awesomeness from Lindsay). Each of the girls picked up an item from my table as well which was extra nice. Don't they look gorgeous?

As for sales, I did pretty well (I believe this was my second most profitable sale) which was lovely. I'm sure I could have sold a bit more if I had the time to remake some of my ever popular coffee sleeves, but time just didn't permit! Alas.

Now that the crafty markets are done for the summer I'm shipping off loads of my goods to consignment shops to keep up with the selling (with limited effort on my part). Now I've got five days (including today) to pack up my entire life (EEP!) and get ready for the move this upcoming Saturday! Ack! Anyone want to come over and pack some boxes for me?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

This is me...except with an iPad.

Do you ever see or read things on the internet and identify with them completely? I certainly do. I figure either there are a ton of people out there just like me, or perhaps just a select few crazy ones that also enjoy blogging and cats. Check out this comic from cat vs. human:

Ahahaha! Yup totally me with a few minor adjustments (no actual live cats in the bed with Fraser's allergies and replace iPhone with iPad). Seriously - I have no idea how I ever functioned without the internet at my finger tips. Pretty much every morning (or late night awakening) involves me grabbing my heat pad and sticking it on whatever body part is giving me troubles and then reaching for the iPad and checking my email, Pinterest, and addicting cute free apps (right now I'm all over Smurf gardening and Tiny Zoo). Ah what a hard life I live! I also find the early morning bed internet surfing wonderful for watching videos (generally involving either cute cats or how to do cool hairstyles) which is the perfect way to start your day if you ask me! How about you? Are you addicted to the internet?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Self-zipping Squirrels!

Check out this super awesome coin pouch I spotted over at How About Orange:

Doesn't it look cute? Not only does it combine some of my favourite things (squirrels, pouches, and crafts) but it's actually just a ribbon that zips onto itself to become a little purse! Neato! I would totally love to attempt this one, but since on how about orange's blog it is a gift from her mom, I think I'll leave this to a sewing master and let my sewing master mother try her hand at it! Haha!

In other news - today is my very last run at the Artisan's Square Market downtown! I've enlisted the wonderful help of my pal Lindsay today while Fraser is off doing geeky things and hopefully we will have an extra successful last day of selling! Hope to see you there!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Find: andwabisabi

Two things yesterday reminded me how much I love embroidery hoops. First my sister Leslie joking commented about her hatred for cross stitch which made me realize how awesome cross stitch can be (which, if you've ever done, involves a hoop usually). Then at my going away dinner (the extremely talented) Cindy wrapped a present for me in fabric which think would look fabulous in an embroidery hoop and hung on my wall! If you're a loyal blog reader of mine you might remember the post I did a good eleven months ago about how much I wanted to hang fabric swatches in hoops as art in our new (now old) rental (link). If not, not to worry, I apparently never got around to (although I did buy the hoops from a thrift shop!) and am now hoping to get to the project in our new place in Victoria! I've even been drooling over other people's fabulous hoop covered walls my Pinterest decor board too! Check out these samples:

Eee! Aren't they amazing!? I'm particularly in love with the embroidered cute ones from Kritsy of The Odd girl's craft room so I figured today's Friday Find (yes, it took me a while to get to it today) should be some cross stitch patterns that would be fun to add to my dream wall! Behold - some of the the wonderfulness that is etsy's andwabisabi:

Boy oh boy are there ever some fun patterns to chose from! There are 21 whole pages of inspiration to sift through with so much variety you are destine to find one you love! I'm keen on the cute/geeky/old lady type patterns myself, but I must say this whale best seller has stolen my heart:

Isn't he a dream? I love the thick texture of the linen fabric they made the sample one on and with a price tag of a mere $2.50 for a pattern what's stopping you? So what's the verdict? Do you think I'll actually get around to my embroidery hoop wall when I move next week? OoOo and what andwabisabi pattern should I make first!?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Knitting vs. Crochet - a yarn battle in kitty pocket mirror form

Have you been enjoying the week of yarn themed illustrations I've been sharing? We started off with some anthropomorphic yarn balls, followed by my fav wool producing animals, and then some playful yarn loving kitties! Today's reveal is a little bit different since these drawings are my first ever straight to pocket mirror designs. I really wanted to make a few more detailed kitties that didn't have to go with a badge set, so I figured mirrors was the next best thing! Plus pocket mirrors are ultra handy to carry around for all your self-viewing needs! Hurrah! I made two yarn and cat illustrations to sit on either side of the knitting verses crochet never ending battle! Okay, so in actuality crafters are usually peace loving women who don't actually hold any violent thoughts about other forms of wool crafts, but I prefer to exaggerate the divide a smidge... so let's get on with the reveal!

For all those knitters out we have the ultra talented orange kitty:

Not into needles? Maybe you hook (and M.C. Hammer) lovers will get a kick out of this design instead:

Hehe! I saw this saying on Pinterest a few weeks ago and couldn't wait to turn it into my own kitty themed version! I'm sure M.C Hammer has always dreamed of seeing himself in cat form ever since he sang "Too legit to quit", but maybe that's just me. Doesn't everyone dream about themselves in feline form? What do you think of the designs?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My third yarn-y set of buttons revealed!

We've made it to day three of showing you my new button designs so today I'm revealing my third and final button set for Caroline's new yarn shop this fall. What do yarn lovers, crafters, and pretty much everyone on the internet have in common you may wonder? Why a love for kitties! No? You disagree - just check out these yarn playing cuties:

Ahaha. Fraser and Jim thought I was doing a comic story about a kitty playing (and then killing but still playing with) his yarn ball, but I think the variety of colour and kitty types makes for a much more pleasing button set. I do have a soft spot for that dead yarn ball though - cat's are crazy about playing with dead things don't you think? Well maybe one day they will cure cat allergies and Fraser and I will be able to get our own yarn lovin' kitten...but for now these buttons will have to do.

Oh! And just because this is my final button set, this is not the end of the yarn themed illustrations! Stay tuned for my two special "just for pocket mirror" designs I'll show you tomorrow! OoO! So exciting! What do you think of my yarn ball kitties?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Let the yarn-y desings continue!

The week continues to truck along and I am here to continue revealing my new yarn themed illustrations! What's next for the three pinback button cuteness? How about my most favourite wool producing mammals - a sheep, a cashmere goat, and an alpaca!

Aren't they sweet? The sheep is pretty much just an illustrated version of my sheep brooch I made for a Mad Scientists of Etsy challenge a few months back. The other two I have been experimenting with in my sketchbook and am pretty happy with what came out! I especially like the little fluff of fur on the goat's beard and alpaca's head. Aww! Have you ever gone to a fall fair? Aren't you happy these ungulate friends don't smell at all like the llama and alpaca barn does? If you haven't had the pleasure of smelling hot humid confined spaces with loads of animals - trust me, you're not missing out on much.

So what do you think? Who's your favourite wool producing animal? Have you seen that book on crafting with cat fur? (this post reminded me of is so weird). Any guesses on what my third and final yarn themed button set is that I'll reveal tomorrow? No? Guess you'll have to wait and see...

Monday, August 15, 2011

A yarn ball friend hello!

Another week has gone by and boy have I been busy! Not only am I amidst preparing for my move in a few weeks (eep, that soon?) but I've also been a busy little bee working on my new illustrations for Caroline's yarn shop! Last week I showed you my first completed design (the red waving hello yarn ball) and I figured this week I could show you the rest of the gang! As you may know, I sell my button and magnets in sets of three so let's greet red yarn ball's other crafty friends, blue snip and needle ball and purple knitting ball:

Oh don't they make a great trio!? I really like the light and dark contrast for the yarn texture and (of course) the muted jewel tones! Let's not forget those wide set eye smiles too! So much fun! Not into knitting? Not to worry - you can get the yarn ball cuties as a crochet themed set instead:

Hooray! Pinback button fun for all yarn crafters! So what do you think? Which is your favourite? Would you rather get a knit set of a crochet one? Just wait until you see the other two button sets I've come up with! OooO I'm excited!

And since it's Monday, let's not forget this weeks winner of my "thanks for reading and commenting on my blog" giveaway! This week is Gillian from Craftzilla! Give me a shout and I'll send your celebratory badge in the mail! Yay! One more week to go with the freebies so keep on being awesome and reading and maybe you will be the lucky winner next week! Happy Monday! Anyone want to come over and help me pack?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Artisan's Market - vol IV

Yesterday was my fourth round at the Artisan's Square Market and boy was it ever a gorgeous day! I woke up to a beautiful cloud free sky and no crazy wind to battle! Hooray! The morning set up was especially speedy with all the practice I've had this year and Fraser (as always) was a wonderful help. I was back on the warm side of the square (it doesn't matter that it got to 32 C, I am always cold) which was another bonus. Check out this week's display:

Hurray! I've been busy this week working on my yarn themed illustrations so no new goods for the table, but good news on the consignment front! Funktional (a super awesome shop in downtown Kelowna) contacted me about getting even more cabochon studs! I figure I'll send them my left over stock once I'm done with my final market next week, making that my third re-stock for the earrings. Woo hoo! I love getting mystery cheques in the mail after a month of sales in stores. It is just wonderful! Oh, and while we're on the consignment end of things - have you checked out my shop tab on my blog? I added it in with the redesign and included lists of upcoming craft shows I'm doing and stores I sell in! Yay! Much easier to find me (either online, in person, or in a shop)!

As for the market, the sales were pretty good (not my best week for money making, but still worthwhile) and I got the pleasure of some lovely visits from some friends and family (thanks Quinn and Sarra)! Plus the whole lack of wind blowing over all my products thing makes the morning market all that much more enjoyable! I went back to the top of the clean laundry pile for today's outfit (all Joe fresh and insanely inexpensive) and sported some of my light blue rose earrings. You can't actually see them in any pictures I have from the morning, but my hair growing experiment seems to be going well - look how long it's getting:

I haven't had it cut all summer and it has grown at least 2 inches (my last cut had it shorter than chin length). I did make one hair appointment for some massive thinning about 6 weeks ago and trust me, that was one of the smartest decisions I've ever made! It has made growing out my thick mop much more pleasurable (and not super annoying where I give up and get it all chopped off). I'm hoping my progression into longer tresses works well with my upcoming move to the coast so my naturally wavy/curly/wild tresses can be set free a humid climate! It also gives me the wonderful excuse to pay extra close attention to all the cute hairstyle up-do tutorials on pinterest! Yay! Any tips for long thick hair styles I need to try?

I've also been paying extra special attention to gardens these days in preparation for my (hopefully fantastic) balcony garden I'm planning! Since our current rental turned out to be a weed nightmare I'm hoping the fresh start (and smaller size) of our new balcony pots will be a great change to start anew! Plus the humid mild joys of living in a coastal city will be like a whole new adventure in plants! One day I hope to develop a green thumb like the gardeners at Ghalardi Square - I mean look at the lushness behind my tent:

What a joy! I did get random orange pollen stains all over the back of my shirt and arm when I was taking the tent down with my dad (Fraser had plans for the day so my good ol' parents came to lend a hand). Any tips on pollen removal? I've scrubbed and scrubbed my arm but it appears to have stained my ultra pale skin. How odd - I didn't know flowers could do that! Note to future gardening Kate - stay clear of tiger lilies, especially while wearing white.

My final perk from the day was a nice little visit from my sis and baby Jean before they depart back to the bug infested north (see Leslie - one more reason to move closer to me). Jean is still adorable as ever and has discovered the joys of playing (i.e. smashing and flailing) on my ipad:

Looks like I've got one technology loving niece on my hands! Coincidentally I also now have an ipad covered in gooey mum mum cookie smears. I wonder how that happened?

All in all, even though the sales end of things was a little dismal this week I ended up having a wonderful time and got to enjoy another wonderful summer day! I'm hoping the nice weather sticks around for at least one more week so I can make it through my next (and last) market next week and then I'm packing my life away and off to Victoria! Eep! So much to do! What did you get up to this weekend?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fabric Pom Poms!

Okay, so this project is actually labelled as "full and textured fabric flowers" by the creators over at make it and love it, but being a pom pom fantastic I would much rather refer to them as fabric half pom poms. Just take a peek:

Aren't they fun? I love the bright colours they used for their demonstration flowers and the instructions make the project look pretty simple. They are very much like the felt flower brooches I make, except instead of felt you use fabric (obviously) and you can use a sewing machine instead of hand stitching (hooray for less time consumption!). Then you can make them into whatever you want! They look cute on the little girls over at make it and love it, but I think I'd prefer to wear mine as a brooch. Heck, once you put a bar pin on the back you could stick them anywhere! Wouldn't they be cute as a nice bright detail on a bag? What do you think? What would you use your half fabric pom for?

In other news, today is my second to last run at the Artisan's Market in downtown Kamloops. Feel free to pop by between 8 and 12 today for some Kate made goodies! Happy Saturday! Wish me luck!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Find: Phil Barbato

Today's find is the ultimate cuteness of little round teeth and very wide set eye plush of etsy's Phil Barbato. Just check out this baby octopus:

Isn't he the cutest!? Not a fan of orange? Not to worry Phil will customize your eight legged pal to suit your needs! Perhaps you are in the mood for some mammals. Take a peek at some of his custom ape plush:

Oh my! So much adorableness! I am also drooling over the plush Wookie he's made as well. But that's not all, there are loads of illustrated goodies in his shop worth checking out as well! What do you think? Are you overwhelmed with cute this Friday?