
Monday, January 3, 2011

A very bloggy 2010

I've been seeing quite a few posts these days recapping their blog highlights from 2010 and although we are three whole days into 2011, I thought I'd join in on the reminiscing since:

1) this is the first time I've had an entire years worth of blog posts to share about!
2) I really enjoyed reading other people's blog recaps so maybe you'll enjoy mine
3) if it so happens that you are new to reading my blog (or maybe missed one of the last 365 days) it might link you to something worth looking back at! (click on the images to get linked back to the post)

Hooray! At first I was going to share my favourite post of each month, but after looking back a bit I couldn't narrow each month down to a single awesome post so I'll pick my top two of each month. After all, 2010 was quite the wonderful year for me! Let's go!


I started off 2010 by sharing all the goods I tote around with me:

and taking the plunge into a whole assortment of scientific culture magnets! How exciting!


My year continued with a wonderful month of dan mangan including a sweet concert and robot love button extravaganza:

I even got to a little shop restocking too! (which reminds me...I'm out of e.coli and pseudomonas again...)


My crafting productivity continues with the addition of five new amazing button sets

and my first round of mini moo freebie bookmarks! Yeah!


The fun didn't stop by april when I turned some sbux stacking tea cups into ultra rad cactus pots! (I actually made two sets of these but the ones I gave my mom were the best.)

I also got the pleasure of doing a blog interview on my yeti goods and my thumbs up yeti postcards caught the attention of the wonderful people over at moo who requested using my design in their promotion work! Cool! Way to keep everyone enthused yeti!


Time for my break into the craft show scene! After many weeks of preparation, I finally completed one of my 2010 goals and set up a booth at the streaming cafe craft sale in kelowna! I may have been ridiculously over prepared but it did get me into live selling and I even go to rush back to kamloops for a fantastic aidan knight concert! Fun!

May was also a month where I shared my long lost love for the doily. I mean check out that rad star trek card I made (my card making skills surprise me sometimes):


Keeping up with my crafty goals I started out a summer of bizarre bazaar craft sales in june! What a whirlwind summer that turned out to be!

oh...and let's not forget about the pocket mirrors. I'm so pleased I got around to making those - they are such a craft sale hit (and I totally am in need of restocking...)


As the summer progressed I somehow managed to make it to the front page of etsy (such a big deal for me!)

and I got the pleasure of recreating the heartwarming tale of percy (el gato diablo) and the sparkle pom pom (quite possibly my favourite post of 2010 - if you missed this one I highly recommend taking a peek)


In august I turned 26 and spend the month trying to survive the kamloops heat and insanely smokey mess from all the forest fires! (yuck)

I also signed up for indie fixx's project pen pal! Even though I exchanged addresses with 7 or 8 people I seem to have found one very good pen pal out of the project and one mediocre one (maybe she is just busy with the holidays and hasn't had time to write...I'm remaining hopeful...)


Even if the year was rounding to an end my life excitment just kept on going! In septmeber I took the plunge and moved in with my awesome boyfriend fraser (and am still loving our super cute main floor rental)

and had a most wondrous mini break to victoria for the rifflandia music festival! (hooray wooden sky)


The fall fun continued on full force as I made a plethora of road trips! I had a marvelous week up north visiting my sis and my brand new neice jean

and a return visit to vancouver to absorb all the mumford and sons awesomeness I could lay my hands on!


The awesome did not stop as I made it to my most successful and crazy two day epic fabulous finds craft show (So good! Can't wait to head back for their spring craft sale)

and I finally found time to review some pom pom makers I've been drooling over all year. This post is in tough competition as my favourite blog post of 2010 (next to sparkle pom percy):


I rounded out 2010 with a kate party and mini virtual house tour (just 3.5 months late)

as well as a very bacon-y xmas:

Whew! When I look back at it all 2010 just seems all too exhausting! It was super fun to concentrate on crafting and blogging for an entire year and I am extra exciting to see where 2011 takes me! What was your fav moment of the last year?


  1. It looks like 2010 will be hard to beat! Happy new year everyone. Mom

  2. I'd have to go with baby Jean as my favourite thing in 2010. I'm sure Mom would agree with me there!

  3. Those lists are a pain to make though, eh? It took me something like two or three hours to put it all together. Still, it's totally worth it - really gives you a sense of perspective on your work!

    Great list.

  4. that captain kirk card is the best! :)

