Saturday, February 13, 2010

How to store and organize cats

Clearly leslie's time on the internet has been well spent. After a thorough search on digg she sent me this picture:

Now those are some cute (and organized) kitties! If only percy could fall in line like these cats! Adorable!


  1. Percy would never do that if you tried to get him to sit in a basket but he would do it on his own and be just as adorable. Okay, he would be much more adorable than all of those cats!! Mom

  2. haha how cute! Figgs only sits still when he's in my way and I WANT him to move.

  3. Yeah, I think the average cat will only do that if those trays were holding important papers.

  4. I think the cats would do it if you bribed them with something good -- like elastic bands or feather dusters on long strings.

  5. For some reason, I keep thinking about this video:

    Which pretty much sums up angry cats. It even kind of looks like your cat!
